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Weight Management
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Aim & Learning Outcomes
To familiarise you with the principles of positive weight management and the health implications of being overweight.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Describe the principles of Positive Weight Management
Discuss the health implications of being overweight
Discuss body composition and it's measurement
Describe the key characteristics of successful weight loss
- Assist participants in the formation of a positive weight management mini-plan
​Plan and prepare an informative and interesting 1 hour presentation on positive weight management for the general public using:
Appropriate learning outcomes
A selection of suitable presentation methods
A suitable selection of supporting resources and materials
Lesson 1: Obesity Causes and Health Implications, Definintions, Causes, Health Implications, The Obesogenic Environment.
Lesson 2: Types of Obesity, Body Composition Measurement.
Printable Study notes
Sample Lesson Plan for your Weight Management presentation
Weight Management min-plan for your participants
PowerPoint slides for your presentation to participants
'What I ate yesterday' Task sheet for participants
Goal setting: notes and guidelines
'Are you ready to lose weight'? Booklet from IHF
Order a quantity of booklets here​
Lesson 3: Healthy Eating Guidelines for Weight Loss, Physical Activity Related to Weight Loss Goals.
Lesson Assessment : Take a quick quiz to assess your
knowledge in this section before moving on
Lesson 4: Behaviour Modification, Emotional Eating, Facilitating strategies for Successful Weight Loss
Lesson 5: The Industry, Commercial Options Programmes, Pills, Meal Replacement, Herbal ingredients, self help, fad diets, Risks
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