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SS2011 Lifestyle, Fitness & Wellness
Blended Learning
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Lessons 5-7 Blood Pressure
Definitions, systolic/diastolic, BP measurement
Factors that influence BP, hypertension, causes, risk factors
Controlling hypertension, exercise recommendations
Common medications
Progress Assessment lessons 5-7
Lessons 14-17 Exercise during Pregnancy
Screening the pregnant client, contraindications to exercise, pre-class advice. Benefits of exercise
Physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and their exercise implications
Exercise recommendations during 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester, contra-indicated exercises, and ACOG conclusions and recommendations
Exercise Postpartum, benefits, resuming, recommendations
Progress Assessment lessons 14-17
Lesson 12
The respiratory system
Structure of the lungs, gaseous exchange, breathing mechanism
Lessons 21-23 Exercise and the older adult
Statistics, barriers to and reasons for participation
Screening and medical conditions associated with older adults
Physiological changes that occur with ageing
Benefits of physical activity and exercise guidelines for older adults
Progress Assessment Lessons 21-23
Lessons 26 & 27 Diabetes
Overview & statistics, types 1 & 2, hypo and hyper glycaemia
Screening, benefits of exercise & exercise recommendations
Effects of medications and contra-indicated exercises
Progress Assessment lessons 26-27
Lesson 28 Asthma & exercise
Asthma- definitions, causes and triggers
Exercise guidelines
Lesson 29 Exercise post cancer & multiple chronic diseases
Exercise guidelines for individuals recovering from cancer
Benefits of exercise during recovery
Aerobic and resistance exercise guidelines
Exercise guidelines for individuals with Multiple Chronic diseases
Progress Assessment lessons 28 & 29
Lessons 30-32 Nutrition
Definition, Food groups, Food Pyramid, recommended servings
Nutrients – carbohydrate, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, fibre, water - sources, functions and RDAs. General dietary guidelines and benefits of healthy eatin
Interpreting food labels
Low GI diet, benefits and foods
Progress Assessment lessons 30-32
Lessons 33-35 Body composition
Components of body weight. Determining body composition
Types of Obesity, hazards associated with obesity
Terms, calories, metabolism, BMR, TEF, factors effecting BMR
Behaviour modification, weight loss guidelines, myths and fallacies
Exercise programming for weight loss
Progress Assessment lessons 33-35
Lessons 36-38 Eating Disorders
Definitions, overview, Anorexia Nervosa, characteristics, signs and symptoms, possible health consequences
Bulimia nervosa and Binge eating disorder – characteristics, signs and symptoms, health consequences
Exercise anorexia – characteristics, health consequences. Treatment of disordered eating. Advice for HFI
Progress Assessment lessons 36-38
Lessons 39-40 Inclusive physical activity
Statistics, overview, barriers to participation, main disability populations
Interaction/communication with people with disabilities – wheelchair user, visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual impairment
Adapting activities to include people with disabilities . adaptation variables – time, environment, equipment.
Progress Assessment lessons 39-40
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