Qualify as Lifestyle Management Consultant

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Love it, Learn it, Live it!
This project was supported by the Limerick Local Enterprise Office through co-founding from the Irish Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020.
The project contributes to the SME support, promotion and capability development theme of the ERDF co-funded programme.

E Learning....How does it work?
Taster Lessons
11 SEP
You will have full access to an on-line classroom where you can chat and share information with your classmates. You will also be guided and supported in your learning by a Course Leader who will be at hand to assist you with any queries related to lesson content or technical issues with the e-learning platform. Your assessments will be completed from home and submitted electronically so travel will never be an issue. Still not sure it's for you? Try our sample taster lessons by clicking on the buttons on the right.
Students will always have access to their own personal tutor to support them throughout the course
Complete your course from home or anywhere in the world with an Internet connection!
Click on the any of the buttons below to bring you to a sample lesson from some of our modules. This will give you a good idea of what e-learning is all about before making the jump!
Facility Operations

Lifestyle Management

E-Learning or electronic learning to give it it's full title involves taking your classes and assignments through the web rather than attending classes in college or university. This method of learning suits students who may have difficulty travelling to university due to work, childcare, travel distances etc.
One of the key advantages of e-learning is that it can be completed at your own pace, in your own place from virtually anywhere in the world that has an internet connection!
Once you register on the course or module, you are provided with a password that will give you full access to all the lessons including automated PowerPoint tutorials, videos, animations and printable notes.